Having a good team dynamic can lead to success in any sports team or activity. This year, Yutan’s cross country team is adjusting to a different dynamic, hoping to bring success on the course.
“This is a very humble, quiet group,” said head coach Joel Carrillo. “Getting into that mindset of taking up space and being aggressive is going to be new for them.”
Since this year’s cross country team is made up of mostly junior high runners and only four upperclassmen, senior Bryce Kolc took upon himself to work hard and lead the team to success.
“So far, I’ve been bringing leadership to the team by running our warmups, which is a bunch of different exercises,” Kolc said. “I also help set the pace while running speed workouts or help lead people during longer runs.”
Carrillo has noticed others stepping into leadership roles as well.
“Everybody’s picked up a leadership role,” Carrillo said. “Bryce is leading the stretches, and Clark [Cogdill] is always cheering people on. Madi [Ledden] is very quiet but she just never stops.”
The shared leadership will be important as the team faces more competition on the course.
“We have three or four former Class B schools in our district,” Carrillo said. “They weren’t slouches in Class B either. Now that they’re in Class C, they’re looking to win, so that gives us no option of taking it easy.”
Although there may be more competition on the course, the team is looking forward to some different scenery this season.

“We have a lot of different meets this year than what we’ve run in the past. So I’m excited to see if I have any new favorites,” sophomore Madi Ledden said.
With all the changes, the athletes have to find a way to push themselves to become successful.
“Putting in 100% effort, always trying my best and pushing myself, even if I don’t want to, will really help me become a successful runner this season,” Ledden said.
To help them stay motivated throughout the season, Carrillo urged the runners to create goals for themselves, so they can have a successful season.
“I had every member write down a goal that they can accomplish and a goal that can be way out of reach but could be done,” Carrillo said.
Kolc talked about some of his individual goals for this season.
“I’m hoping to break 19 minutes for a 5K or get an 18.59 or better,” said Kolc. “A bigger goal would be, I’d like to try and qualify for state. Even better if we made it as a team.”
Whether or not their goals are achieved, the cross country runners say they are thrilled to be back on the course.
“I’m excited for this year. I mean, it is my senior year, so hopefully it goes really well,” Kolc said.