Homecoming week is one of the most memorable weeks of the school year. This is especially true for homecoming king Oliver Egr and queen Maura Tichota, as their memories of being crowned will last a lifetime.
The homecoming king and queen are voted on by the entire high school, which can make this moment even more special to everyone involved.
“It showed that being nice to people and supporting people caused them to recognize me and vote for me,” said Tichota.
This year, all of the royalty were brought out onto the football field in the back of the school’s ranger, which was one of Egr’s favorite parts of homecoming week, along with being crowned as king.
“It felt good. I was excited,” said Egr.
The king and queen aren’t the only people affected by coronation, though. Their families, teachers and friends will forever remember this night as well. For Egr’s para, Holly Sutter, her memories from the week with Egr will stay with her forever.

“It really showed that he is loved and well-deserving. It was special to see Ollie get rallied around [by] all of his classmates,” said Sutter. “He had tons of family and friends show up to see him be there at that special moment. It was a big life event for everyone.”
Another homecoming memory for Sutter and Egr was when Ollie’s name got announced for court.
“It was a fun memory to see Ollie get his name announced for court for the first time,” said Sutter. “He said, ‘Um, I’m busy; I have plans’ when I first told him about it.”
Reflecting on the week, the king and queen both agree that these memories will forever last to them, their families and their supporters.
“It was something that I definitely won’t take for granted and will be in my memories forever,” said Tichota.