For most students at Yutan, lifting is a valuable part of their daily routine, and many use the high school’s weight room. However, now these students’ experience will be better due to the substantial upgrades from the equipment installed in August.
“The weight room’s new equipment has made it a lot easier to lift because there are new pieces that we didn’t have before, so it has made it easier to hit the muscle groups that are needed,” junior Jenna Trent said.

While the equipment was just installed recently, the idea started in January when social studies teacher and coach Dan Krajicek approached weights teacher Jesse Gardner, who also supported the project. Once approved, they started working on fundraising at the end of February, and after funding from individual and business donations, a trivia night and a silent auction, they were able to raise close to $80,000 by the end of April.
This money earned went towards replacing almost all of the old equipment: new plates, dumbbells and dumbbell storage, 12 barbells and curlbars, flooring mats and bands. One of the most significant purchases, however, was the six double-sided racks.
“The racks have a lot more attachments…so it just gives them (students) more opportunities to do more things than what we used to be capable of doing,” Gardner said.
Besides giving students more options for exercise, the racks also provide more space for when multiple people are lifting in the weight room.
“I know there’s a lot more racks, so you don’t have to be waiting on another group to get done with the weights,” freshman Kaleb Fenner said.
Fenner was just one of the many football players who helped assemble the new equipment in the summer.
“One day…in the summer all the seniors and some juniors and sophomores came in, and we power washed the mats together and took all the weights out,” senior Bennett Ell said. “I think [because of] all the new stuff, I’ve seen a lot more kids in there lifting.”
Gardner also noticed the excitement from students after seeing the new equipment.

“The coolest part was seeing the students’ reaction the first time they got to see the new equipment,” Gardner said. “They were like little kids in a candy store.”
Although current seniors won’t get to use the weights for much longer, incoming classes will be able to use them for years to come.
“It’s going to be pretty good for the younger guys…having this new stuff to get stronger and better at sports,” Ell said.
Krajicek agreed, saying this “generational purchase” will continue to help elevate Yutan’s sports program. But this wouldn’t be possible without the people behind it.
“I think people just recognized the need and it helps…when people know where their money is going and how it’s going to be spent,” Krajicek said. “It’s a good cause…especially for people with elementary kids, this is equipment that will be here for the next 20 years, if not longer.”
Because of the community’s generosity, current and incoming students will benefit from more than just the equipment.
“Kids notice when the adults in their lives put effort and resources into something. They recognize the importance,” Krajicek said. “Having the new weights will get everybody excited about lifting weights, and the sports will continue to get better.”